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 Let’s Talk About Leadership…


A common metaphor for leadership science that someone once shared with me is the three-legged stool. The three legs are behaviour, strategic thinking and emotional intelligence. All three legs combine to be what strong leadership sits upon. I would bet that most businesses focus on the strategic thinking with little to no time spent on the emotions in the workplace. Unfortunately, this leads to ongoing underlying issues eventually negatively impacting the overall performance of the company.

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While behaviours, strategic thinking, and emotional intelligence are all crucial to business—it is important that you focus on your emotions and the emotions of your employees. The more time spent on paying attention to the office “emotional barometer” the other two legs will be easier to master.


It is easier to help someone manage a P&L statement. It’s much harder to gain their trust.

In fact, according to a Harvard Business Review study, 58% of the employees said that they would trust a stranger before they trust their supervisor.

This means we don’t spend enough time engaging and connecting with our employees. The result is a workplace where employees don't trust their employers. They don't like coming to work and they're not as productive as they could be. 

This is why I base my leadership philosophy and business coaching in creating conscious connections among teams. Because this is where leadership lasts. So I am working to ignite moments of connection at every stage of business to help you scale success.